QUICK PAGE 1.3 SCREEN TITLE FIELD: Type in a title for your homepage. This is the text that will appear in the title bar at the top of the browser when the homepage is loaded. The information will be retained as long as the program is running or until you type in another title. PIC'S PATH: Type in the full path name of the picture you want to load as the inline image. For example if you have a picture called MYPIC on a disk in your external disk drive in a directory called pics you might type; DF1:pics/MYPIC IMPORTANT: THE IMAGE MUST BE THE SAME GRAPHIC FORMATTHAT WAS SPECIFIED IN THE DATATYPE FIELD in the CONFIGURATION SCREEN. LOAD: Will copy the picture into ram: as "PIC.DTYPE" DTYPE being the DATATYPE you specified in the DATATYPE FIELD VIEW: Views the picture currently loaded by the LOAD command underneath the TEXT PATH using the VIEWER specified in the CONFIGURATION SCREEN. HEADER: Type in a Header. This is the header text that will appear just below the inline image on your homepage. The information will be retained as long as the program is running or until you type in another header. TEXT PATH: Type in the full path name of the text file you want to load as the main body of text in the HTML document. For example if you have a text file named MYTEXT on a disk in your external disk drive in a directory called text you might type; DF1:text/MYTEXT TEXT LOADED MUST HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SAVED IN THE AMIGA ASCII FORMAT, also known as TEXT ONLY. LOAD: Will copy the text into ram: as QPTEXT EDIT: Edits the text currently loaded by the LOAD command underneath the TEXT PATH using the EDITOR specified in the CONFIGURATION SCREEN. You may also edit text on the fly simply by clicking on EDIT without using the LOAD command. ACCEPT: Accepts the currently loaded values and then opens the PREVIEW SCREEN. CONFIGURE: Returns you to the CONFIGURATION SCREEN. HELP: Brings you to this HELP screen.